This week the change of mission presidents went very smoothly. The other office couple will leave July 13, so there is a lot of change happening.
At each of the two zone conferences, the arrangement of “God Be With You Till We Meet Again" was beautiful and poignant. There were so many missionaries participating in the choir that we were all jammed into the choir space singing for the few left in the audience. At both buildings Len was just an arm’s length away from some sopranos. At the second zone conference, two of the sister missionaries were so emotional even before the song began that Len had to make a serious effort to focus on his conducting.
We were all sorry to see President and Sister Clark go. It was especially fun that we were invited to spend Saturday evening with the Bradshaws and Clarks, playing games and relaxing. It was a real treat. For my contribution to the evening’s snacks I made white chocolate popcorn, which everyone enjoyed. So glad I knew how to make it. Thanks, Whitney!
Yesterday President and Sister Mackay arrived. The Clarks took them to lunch and then brought them by the office to meet all of us and look around. The Clarks "drove off into the sunset" and the
Mackays stayed for a short chat. They will also be wonderful. Very easy to know and love. After they did their first training of zone leaders and sister trainers today, they spent half an hour with each office person so we (and they) are quickly becoming comfortable together and feeling comforted that everything is going to be all right.
Love from Len and Kit